Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good afternoon LINC 7,

Today we are going to do some more on-line listening using TED Talks.  I would like you to follow the link below to the talk entitled, "Bryan Stevenson: We Need to Talk about an Injustice." This talk is 23:41, so it will be possible to listen to it twice if necessary.  *DO NOT enable the subtitles in your language.


Here are some vocabulary words that will hear in the talk:

matriarch, enslaved, y'all, hung up on, probation, parole, distort, culpability, disenfranchised, litigation, lynched, unconscionable, degraded, marginalization, conviction

  • After you have listened, please research these people who were mentioned in the talk: Vaclav Havel, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King.  
  • What is the connection between these three people and concepts of 'identity' and 'injustice'? 
  • Please write about the connection between these three and identity and injustice.  Which one do you identify with the most? Why?



  1. Karla:

