Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Good afternoon LINC 7,

This afternoon, you're going to be listening to a TED Talk on body language, also known as non-verbal discourse.  Please follow the link and listen to the talk.  You may listen again if necessary, but DO NOT enable to the enable the subtitles or look at the transcript unless you are really having difficulty understanding.

Once you've finished, please write a brief summary of her main points.  Paraphrase her ideas. Do not use direct quotes.  Also, please reflect on what you've heard and consider the following ideas.

Think about your own body language.

Is you body language different when you speak English than when you speak your first (second/third/...) language?

What can you do to change your body language and give people a different impression of you?

Print and hand in or email your work before you leave.  

If you finish early, please go the BBC website for some additional pronunciation practice: 

or for additional grammar practice:


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Kim, for interesting links. It was really fun to train the British pronunciation :-)
